simple is beautiful
Simply Photo: interview:ditte isager
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Thursday, July 26, 2007

interview:ditte isager

since i started this blog, i have wanted to focus on sharing with you the photographers i love and who inspire me everyday. i have been an admirer of ditte isager's work since i first saw her images in gourmet magazine {the images above are from the august issue}.

this year, she was named one of pdn's 30 new and emerging photographers to watch. i definitely agree and am delighted she agreed to answer a few questions for me.
so, sit back, grab your cup of coffee, and take a moment to learn more about this inspiring photographer.

1.How long have you been a photographer?

4 years

2. How would you describe your work?

Nordic simplicity with out being cold minimalist

3. What is your favourite thing to shoot?
I’m very lucky shooting all the things there interest me, Interior, food and Travel, and get to work with people with the same passion.

4. Do you have a different approach when shooting people vs. still life or food?Which do you prefer?

Not really, of course it is different to shoot a tomato soup and a portrait but by the end of the day, it is all about light, composing, cropping and timing

5. What types of cameras do you shoot with? Which is your favourite?
Pentax & Linhoff, love them both

6. Do you shoot film or digital or both?
7. Where do you live and how does this influence your work?
Right now I’m in between, I just moved from London where I have been for 2 years, and am moving to NY 1st of September, in the meantime I’m traveling or in Copenhagen. I grew up in Copenhagen and off course the Danish Design have had a huge impact on my work. It is a very design oriented country where your home means a lot, and people are very much into Interior and architecture. Is is efficient in a very relaxed way.

8. How often do you shoot for yourself vs. for a client?

I mostly work for clients but I do private project from time to time, and I really enjoying when I have the time for it.

9.What are some of the differences (if any) between shooting for an American magazine and for others around the world?
Budget is the key, American magazines are bigger so they can afford a bigger team, it makes life much easier for me as I can concentrate on the pictures, instead of putting up wall papers etc. But because they are bigger they are also more controlled, and I think sometimes you can go more crazy in some of the European magazines style wise.

10. What are some of your favourite magazines?
Bloom, Elle décor, Gourmet.

11. Having traveled around the world photographing, where are some of the favorite places you have visited?
Kenya for the beautiful landscape in the bush where the nights are so quiet and the only light is the moon, I’m a big fan of Karen Blixen and completely .understand her fascination for the country.India I love all the madness, but can't stay too long, have to get out of the noise and craziness. For holiday always Italy.

11. Do you show your work in galleries?

12.What are your future plans as a photographer?
Moving to NY
13. Who are some of your favorite photographers {past or present}?

Sally Mann, Irving Penn, Martyn Thompson, August Sander
13. What inspires you?

Films, a walk down the street, places, people, art - specially old paintings and of course travel

14. Describe your perfect day.
a coffee by the canal in Copenhagen in the morning, having friends and family over for cozy dinner & wine, the more the everything always is very planned, I really enjoy days where I can improvise

15. What is your favorite breakfast?
Soft boiled egg with Rye breadditte

thank you so much to Ditte who so graciously agreed to this interview. you can see more of her work here and here.


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